Monday, September 9, 2013

Natural Healing

I walked into Crawford, NE, after some tough and very hot days on leaving the Mickelson Trail and the Black Hills of SD.

I remember hearing a dog bark near some new structures next to Highway 71 a mile north of Crawford as I passed by. There must have been a human presence around the dog's bark, but not words. So I just waved as I walked on to town.

I had been low on water, dry in the mouth and ready for a meal. A driver who stopped earlier on the road recommended the Frontier Bar. So I went there for breakfast.

I downed three icy tumblers of wonderful cold water before I even ordered a meal. I visited just a bit with the waitress Sarah who is getting married in October. I walked out the door a bit refreshed and returned to my rig. A man pulled up in his green pickup, moved across the street, and said, “You walked by my house just an hour ago. What are up to?”

John Dinsley and I were soon comparing notes about our interests in walking and healing. John had walked and hitchhiked many parts of the world in his early years. In recent times, John and wife Kimberly have developed a substantial business on the edge of Crawford NE based on a simple remedy which has many, many uses. The remedy is (activated) charcoal and their business is detailed at The commercial enterprise developed and rapidly expanded after John published his book called The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal and Its Applications in 2005.

John and I had crossed paths 35 years ago but not met in 1978-79. We had both spent a year in western Georgia - eastern Alabama and gotten to know Drs. Agatha and Calvin Thrash at the Uchee Pines Institute, Seale AL. John studied their natural healing methods intensively at the Institute. I visited Uchee Pines a number of times and several more at the associated health foods store and restaurant in Phenix Ciy, AL.

John Dinsley

So, we had lots to talk about. Walking and healing being recurring themes. Saturday brought an invitation to spend a morning studying at the Dinsleys home followed by vegetarian lunch plus peaches and ice cream. Then, I got a tour of the Charcoal Remedies facility next door to the Dinsley home.

Soon after, we drove several miles into the Nebraska Hills to the Ministry of Health center run by Jim and Cindy Hornung. The Ministry of Health uses herbs, juices, vitamins, hydrotherapy, massage, steam baths, organic vegetarian diet along with Biblical lifestyle to promote natural healing. In the beautiful, restful, yet simple setting, the Hornungs have helped many people at modest cost to recover their health and even heal “incurable and terminal illnesses.”

John and Kim and I stayed for three hours or so. The men debated Evolution and Creationism. I’m not sure what the women spent their time on. Before the evening was over, the Hornungs shared a tasty repast of fruit smoothies, whole grain bread, and popcorn after a heartfelt blessing.

Healing Center

To me, the best part of the whole day was seeing a Community developing and maturing. Not just a forced one or one composed of people who share the space out of necessity. But people working, sharing, cooperating together out of choice.

I am reminded of the quote (approximate) of psychiatrist Scott Peck:
“The pathway to real healing in the modern era is through community.”

It seems to me Community put Amity and Unity together.
May we all find ways promote all of the above.

The Best to you from the Sandhills of Western Nebraska,


Comments always welcome at theportableschool at gmail dot com.

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